We'll need to do a quick, friendly 5-10 min site survey visit of your loft to check what will and won't fit and then we're off. We don't hang about trying to pressure sale you. Shortly after our visit we'll email you your no obligation whatsoever quotation for your consideration.
Please reach us at atticaccessnorfolk@yahoo.co.uk if you cannot find an answer to your question.
LoftJoists are structurally engineered, lightweight, incredibly strong, ventilated, load bearing timber I-Beam joists that are BBA Certified and NHBC Approved. LoftJoist are installed across multiple ceiling joists, creating a strong subframe to elevate and facilitate loft boarding above deep loft insulation. They are specifically engineered to fulfil one essential purpose like no other... to absorb, deflect and disperse load outwardly! not vertically like a support post. The LoftJoist Cross-Braced system imitates, compliments and fortifies ceiling joists to consolidate your ceiling into a much stronger cohesive structural platform.
The 1st priority of any loft boarding system must be to protect and strengthen the ceiling in your home. Plastic leg support stilts provide no effective load dispersion whatsoever other than directly downwards like a nail. Stand on a LoftJoist Raised Boarding deck and your weight is efficiently dispersed through an outward radius of multiple LoftJoists & ceiling joists. Stand on a plastic leg supported deck and all your weight is redirected downwards to the nearest support stilt, creating a pressure point on that ceiling joist.
Plastic leg support stilts on flexible timber joists create detrimental Pressure Point & Stress Loading that crushes timber joist fibres, bowing and damaging your ceiling. Plastic leg support stilts: whatever shape they come in, weaken, and strain ceiling joists; the very opposite of strengthening them!
The loft ceiling in your home is made of timber for very good reason and it's important to continue with this optimum material when constructing a lightweight, robust elevated sub-frame to accommodate Raised Loft Boarding. Do Not introduce condensation magnets such as metal beams into your loft. Metal beams, propped up on plastic leg support stilts, create the perfect 'Cold-Bridge' magnet for unwanted interstitial condensation, which can lead to costly water damage and more serious toxic mould issues in your home.
Why don't UK Home Builders use metal beams for ceilings? Take a cold can of drink out of your fridge; exposing it to warmer air, and the cold metal instantly starts to condensate. That's exactly what happens in your loft when warm thermal air comes into contact with a cold bridge surface such as a metal beam, it condensates! Always timber on timber. The Trade way.
Not on our Watch, No! Many of the plastic leg support system companies (DIY Kits & Professionally installed) ONLY allocate one plastic support leg fitted to every second joist. Which is to omit necessary load bearing responsibility to entire ceilings joists (50% of them!) and then crush load the remaining alternate ceiling joists. Such practice serious undermines the structural integrity of your ceiling and down the line, that is going to cost you money!
We don't take shortcuts and we certainly don't cost cut on product for profit margin at the expense quality and professional integrity. We source the best possible materials and use as much of it as necessary to achieve the best possible results. LoftJoist are secured to every single joist without exception! Your ceiling ‘works’ as a universal co-operative of individually weak joists, that when working together will absorb the total ceiling load. Not Half of them.
LoftJoist is the ONLY Raised Loft Boarding System that strengthens your ceiling.
Each 2.4 metre length of LoftJoist is braced across FIVE ceiling joists.
Each 2.4 metres length of ceiling joist is reinforced by FIVE LoftJoist.
Each 2.4 square metres of boarding is evenly distributed over 25 Cross-Braced Stanchions.
Not at all. There is no necessary NHBC or BBA Approval or Certification required to board the loft in your New Build Home. None whatsoever! Approvals and Branding preferences are optional, not obligatory and come down to the inclinations of both Company or Customer to either obtain or require.
No it will not, because you are not governed by your warranty. Your warranty will only be affected if you were to make alterations which would damage the structure of your building resulting in a claim.
Your typical 10 year NHBC Warranty is there to protect the Home Owner and the Home Builder should claimable faults appear within the warranty period. It is not designed to govern and inhibit you from making improvements to your own home; be it in the loft, new windows, a conservatory, boundary walls, driveway, new front door, kitchen or bathroom upgrades and so on.
NHBC "If installed at the instruction of the homeowner, boarding does not invalidate our warranty, but any defects found to result from the installation of said system e.g. condensation or structural damage, would not be covered by the warranty, therefore homeowners have it installed at their own risk. This applies to any changes made to the building after the warranty period has begun.
LoftJoist Raised Loft Boarding System specifically elevates loft boards over deep loft insulation to facilitate continued fresh air flow around the loft. And it's air flow that is key to a healthy loft free of condensation. LoftJoist doesn't compact deep insulation and leaves an important air gap between insulation and boards for healthy air circulation and the prevention of condensation under the loft board deck.
LoftJoist Cross-Braced system imitates, compliments and fortifies ceiling joists to consolidate your ceiling into a much stronger cohesive structural platform. It is the ONLY Raised Loft Boarding System that strengthens your ceiling and improves its structural integrity by its introduction.
Mould is a simple plant; if you want to kill it, stop watering it.
If mould has already formed, painting over it will not solve the problem. Ventilation is mould’s biggest enemy as it removes the root cause: the moisture in the air. Where mould is present in bedrooms or other livings rooms, PoziDry Pro will provide the answer.
Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) is a process which dilutes, displaces and replaces unhealthy air in our homes with clean, fresh and filtered air. Also available with a heater to preheat the air if required. The fresh air is delivered into a landing or hallway. It then gently ventilates all other rooms directly off the landing/ hallway.
There are several causes that helps move air around our homes without even noticing, such as, the external pressure caused by the prevailing winds, and the temperature differentials inside the home will have a significant effect. So, without the use of effective ventilation, moisture generated in the bathrooms and kitchens can end up in the bedrooms leading to mould growth.
Positive Input Ventilation (PIV) is an energy efficient method of pushing out and replacing stale unhealthy air with clean drier air, by gently introducing filtered air into the home and increasing the circulation of air around the property. By removing the moisture and other pollutants from the air, mould cannot grow which removes the problem at source.
Condensation and mould are controlled as moisture laden air is replaced by drier air. This protects the property from harmful condensation and mould.
Inbound air is filtered improving the indoor air quality. The optional F7 filter will remove almost all pollen from the air and help reduce diesel particulates.
Volatile organic compounds (VOCs), dust mites and other indoor air pollutants are reduced, giving your residents a healthier indoor environment.
Yes, this system can be easily installed in both new build and existing properties, as the duct runs are not intrusive.
Attic Access Norfolk offers a 5 year warranty.
Under the Decent Homes Standard we have fitted double glazed windows, cavity wall and loft insulation and fitted insulating doors to many homes around the UK. However, these energy efficiency measures have sealed our homes and reduced the amount of air that can escape; causing moisture, mould and other indoor air pollution to increase.
The introduction of the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act 2018 means that landlords now have an increasing responsibility for the conditions in which their residents live. Occurrences of damp and mould are specifically called up in the bill as being conditions unsuitable for human habitation, with the onus on the landlord to rectify the issue.
PIV units can provide a whole house solution to indoor air pollutants and make a home habitable again.
Resolve condensation and mould issues for good and future proof your housing stock.
You need to know that your property is being looked after. Ventilation can protect your assets from condensation and mould, but only if it is operating as intended and installed properly.
Ensure resident satisfaction and reduce the need to re-visit the property.
PureAir Home is designed to eradicate condensation and mould from your home.
It reduces the risk of health issues in the home by improving indoor
air quality and quickly eradicating conditions that lead to mould growth
and associated health issues such as asthma and itchy skin.
The unit reduces humidity in the air, curing condensation
and creating a healthier indoor environment.
With an ultra-low power consumption motor, the PoziDry Pro™ can service a two bedroom house for less than £13 a year.
For a 2 bedroom house, based on an energy cost of 34p kwH, with the PIV running on trickle mode for 23 hours and normal mode for 1 hour, it could cost approximately 4p a day to run. Over a year this would cost around £12.98.
It is unlikely to increase the pressure because even refurbished homes that follow the latest guidance will leak air. A typical 3 bedroom home will leak at around 30 litres per second. The supply air from the PIV unit would normally be introduced at 21 litres per second. So it would be like trying to blow up a balloon with a hole in it.
Depending on the property, it will take between a few hours to a few days to see the effects. It may take a couple of weeks for the areas affected with mould to dry out. The unit can only prevent mould from forming, any mould already present should be removed prior to installation.
The unit does not require cleaning, however, it is good practice to clean the filters in some warm soapy water where pollution levels are high. The filters should be replaced every five years.
The unit has near silent operation and is not noisy. At the point of supply into the house the unit is almost inaudible at 14 dB(A).
If all advice on the unit’s installation and use is followed, the unit will significantly reduce the humidity in the property, therefore reducing condensation and the risk of mould.
If installed correctly, air movement will not be felt away from the diffuser as the incoming air mixes with the warm air at ceiling level and circulates around the property. The product, which comes with a comfort heater, can maintain the incoming air temperature. When the air in the loft is warm, the unit will boost to recirculate the warm air back into the property helping to save money on energy bills.
The Building Research Establishment tested Positive Input Ventilation and concluded that compared to extract fans with the same flow rate, it could save up to a maximum of 10% of the space heating costs.
Compared to extract fans, which removes humid air from the home, PIV units displace humid air by bringing fresh air inside through the loft space. Even with the PIV unit running the Building Research Establishment found that loft spaces are around 3oC warmer than outside. This is more energy efficient than air directly from outside.
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