Loft Ladders Supplied & Fitted
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Loft Insulation and Loft Hatches
Loft Ladders Supplied & Fitted
All Our Prices are VAT FREE so don't pay more
Loft Insulation and Loft Hatches
We pop you on our Loft Survey visit list for a quick 5-10min site survey visit of your loft to check what will and won't fit. It's an entirely free service and we don't loiter about trying to pressure sale you. Shortley after our visit we'll email you your no obligation whatsoever quotation for your consideration.
Werner Blue Seal Easy Stow Aluminium 3 Section Loft Ladder
The 1st priority of loft boarding is to protect and strengthen your ceiling.
It's important to use timber, just like your ceiling joists, because the introduction of metal into your loft creates a thermal 'Cold Bridge' magnet for unwanted interstitial condensation & water damage.
Just like putting a can off pop into your fridge - Condensates.
Each 2.4 metre length of LoftJoist is braced across FIVE ceiling joists.
Each 2.4 metres length of ceiling joist is reinforced by FIVE LoftJoists.
Each 2.4 square metres of boarding is evenly distributed over 25 stanchions.
Cross braced LoftJoists imitate, compliment and fortify your ceiling joists.
Elevates loft boarding clear of deep loft insulation to avoid compression.
Accommodates the introduction of loft boards.
Consolidates your ceiling into a much stronger cohesive structural platform.
Loft boarding systems using plastic loft leg support stilts are sparsely fitted for cost cutting and leave out entire unsupported ceiling joists. Deceptively raising loft boards above deep loft insulation, but with ZERO consideration or protection given to the highly detrimental impact on your flexible ceiling joists & plastered ceilings. Plastic loft legs/stilts DAMAGE, CRACK & SCREW-POP ceilings; professionally fitted or otherwise. NHBC won't cover this damage.
All our loft ladders are 150kg load rated
All our loft ladders are 150kg load rated
Your tired old loft hatch is also available in white.
No more loft hatch shame.
Instagram it!
We replace UPVC hatches.
We create new access openings.
We build bespoke timber hatches.
We fit bespoke hinged trapdoors.
Hinged trapdoors are a piece of cake to open using your loft ladder pole.
We supply the pole, but no cake.
Correct levels of loft insulation should be a priority for your home. It makes such a difference. Love your Home, Love your Loft, Love Loft Insulation.
LTS really presents well in fink trussed lofts.
No more bending down, it's all in front of you.
We only use timber materials because galvanised metals such as steel are a cold magnet for interstitial condensation.
Loft boarding systems using plastic loft leg support stilts are sparsely fitted for cost cutting and leave out entire unsupported ceiling joists. Deceptively raising loft boards above deep loft insulation, but with ZERO consideration or protection given to the highly detrimental impact on your flexible ceiling joists & plastered ceilings. Plastic loft legs/stilts DAMAGE, CRACK & SCREW-POP ceilings; professionally fitted or otherwise. NHBC won't cover this damage.
It's fairly common now for Gas, Electric and Solar Panel trades to insist on the provision of safe access up to and inside your loft. The days of them just getting on with it are long gone... but they still want a cuppa!
A little bit of Posh around your Hatch
The FIRST priority of any Raised Loft Boarding System is to protect & strengthen ceiling Joists to accommodate the introduction of new dynamic loading. A non-negotiable structural engineering principle.
We raise loft boarding over modern levels of deep loft insulation with a cross-braced LoftJoist sub-frame; adhering to a universal philosophy of strength in co-operative unity.
LoftJoists are a premium product, structurally engineered, lightweight, incredibly strong, fully ventilated, load bearing timber I-Beam joists that are BBA Certified and NHBC Approved
Crucially, LoftJoist absorb, deflect and disperse load horizontally, not vertically; like alternative plastic leg 'support' systems. The Cross-Braced LoftJoist system imitates, compliments and fortifies ceiling joists to consolidate your ceiling into a significantly stronger cohesive structural platform that does not diminish your New Build NHBC warranty in anyway whatsoever.
We DO NOT install flawed DIY store floor plastic leg 'support' stilt kit systems for raised loft boarding. Plastic leg 'support' stilt systems Stress Load timber ceiling joists by creating Pressure Points that crush the fibrous & porous wooden joist tissue; bowing the joists, leading to cracked and screw popped ceilings. A fault further exacerbated by the common professional installation practise of only fitting 'support' legs to every 2nd joist.
Plastic leg 'support' stilts; whatever shape they come in, will 100% weaken, not strengthen your ceiling joists because they can only deflect load in one direction.. and that's downwards; just like a hammered nail.
Plastic support legs on timber joists is like using stilts on a trampoline.
We take loft boarding seriously. We do it right and we do it thoroughly. For the discerning customer, we supply & fit LoftJoist. A robust, elevated loft boarding system of very lightweight, structurally engineered, BBA Certified & NHBC Approved timber I-Beam joists that protect deep loft insulation and strengthen your ceiling 100% without voiding your New Build NHBC Warranty.
Cross-Bracing LoftJoists creates enhanced ceiling strength & unity.
Each 2.4 metre length of LoftJoist is cross braced across 5 ceiling joists.
Each 2.4 metre length of ceiling joist is cross braced by 5 LoftJoists.
Each 2.4 sq metres of loft boarding is cross braced across 25 stanchions.
LoftJoist timber I-Beam joists are Eco Friendly PEFC Certified to compliment the existing standards in your NHBC BBA New Build Home.
The loft ceiling in your home is made of timber for very good reason and it's important to continue with this optimum material when constructing a lightweight, robust elevated sub-frame to accommodate Raised Loft Boarding. Do Not introduce condensation magnets such as metal beams into your loft. Metal beams, propped up on plastic support stilts, create the perfect 'Cold-Bridge' magnet for unwanted interstitial condensation, which can lead to costly water damage and more serious toxic mould issues in your home. Why don't UK Home Builders use metal beams for ceilings? Take a cold can of drink out of your fridge; exposing it to warmer air, and the cold metal instantly starts to condensate. That's exactly what happens in your loft when warm thermal air comes into contact with a cold bridge surface such as a metal beam, it condensates! Always timber on timber. The Trade way.
· LoftJoist is the ONLY raised loft boarding system that strengthens ceilings by its introduction.
· LoftJoist ensures zero compression to your loft insulation.
· LoftJoist 100% will NOT invalidate your New Build NHBC warranty or any part of it.
· LoftJoist timber I-beam joists are BBA Building Regulation Approved & Certified.
· LoftJoist timber I-beam joists are NHBC Approved & Certified.
· LoftJoist is PS0 2050 carbon footprint accredited and PEFC certified.
· LoftJoist reinforces your ceiling to accommodate the introduction of Raised loft boarding.
· LoftJoist imitate, compliment and fortify your existing ceiling joist foundation.
· LoftJoist lightweight, structurally engineered timber I-beams prevent joist isolation & overload.
· LoftJoist I-beam joists elevate loft boarding over the full depth of recommended loft insulation.
· LoftJoist do not suffer lateral instability 'wobble' associated with plastic leg support stilts.
· LoftJoist do not pressure point 'crush' ceiling joists as associated with plastic leg support stilts.
· LoftJoist deflects load outwardly, not vertically as associated with plastic leg support stilts.
· LoftJoist cross braced subframe fortifies ceiling joists. Support stilts isolate & overload ceiling joists.
· LoftJoist raises flooring up to 300mm to exceed all government insulation depth guidelines.
· LoftJoist are timber; just like your ceiling joists, because metal beams are condensation magnets.
· LoftJoist ventilated I-beams facilitate continued air ventilation to prevent interstitial condensation.
· LoftJoist allows generous, continuous and unobstructed clearance between insulation and loft boards.
· LoftJoist retains thermal integrity of insulation to ensure your home runs energy and cost efficient.
· LoftJoist are securely fastened at each and every ceiling joist intersection; without exception.
· LoftJoist adheres to a structural philosophy of strength in co-operative unity.
· LoftJoist evenly disperses weight across multiple ceiling joists on any point of your loft boarding.
· LoftJoist cross bracing builds strength & unity for maximum ceiling stability and load distribution.
· LoftJoist consolidates your ceiling into a considerably stronger cohesive structural platform.
· LoftJoist I-beam joists are lightweight, incredibly strong, used throughout the construction industry.
· LoftJoist timber I-beam joists are industry standard floor joists in New Build NHBC warrantied homes.
· LoftJoist engineered timber I-beam joists deliver strength and rigidity for greater floor performance.
· LoftJoist derives its strength from a homogeneous bonded structure that does not shrink or distort.
· LoftJoist is professionally installed, diligently researched, quality assured, bespoke home investment.
· LoftJoist facilitates structurally sound, robust NHBC Certifiedi BBA Certified Raised loft boarding.
Loft ceilings are typically timber joists of minimal dimension and load rating capacity. That is because they are load rated to only support ceiling weight and the occasional careful tradesman manoeuvring around on crawl boards to spread the load. It is the co-operative unity of all joists working together that create strength of ceiling.
Whereas the inner internal floors/ceilings are constructed using significantly higher spec load rated timber I-Joists or Open-Web Trusses to accommodate vastly greater dynamic loading imposed upon them.
It's all very well blindly focusing on just clearing deep loft insulation with a DIY plastic leg support stilts, but it's like sawing into the branch you're sitting on. You must not isolate ceiling joists. Plastic leg support stilt systems isolate and pressure point stress load individual joists. Furthermore, these support legs are typically marketed to affix ONLY to every 2nd ceiling joist. That's 50% of your ceilings load bearing integrity dismissed and wiped out. Strengthening and protecting your loft ceiling joists must be an integral priority to any raised loft boarding system proposing to introduce dynamic loading. LoftJoist does exactly that.
The Science Behind LoftJoist & Ceiling Spans
Load is the number one criteria of span. Loading a joist creates bending stress that puts compression at the top of the joist, and tension at the bottom of a joist. The middle (equator line) is called the neutral plane, where forces diminish to zero. When a load is put on a ceiling joist, the fibres in the top of the ceiling joist compress, and those in the bottom are under tension.
Deflection of load rather than strength is key. Maximum deflection determines the maximum load that a span can take. A trampoline can take load but is not a good bedroom floor. I-beam Joists master load management and can span extreme distances because most of their strength is in the top and bottom flanges where tension and compression stresses deflect outwards along the I-joist. The top and bottom of an I-joist are both called the Flange. And the neutral middle, the Web.
Bearing is the next stress that joists must be able to handle. Once joists are loaded, they must transfer the load vertically. You must prevent the joist that the load is bearing on, from crushing. Size of bearing area is directly related to the stress of the joist and total load being transferred. Deflecting/Distributing the load over a greater area, reduces the load on any one point. Just like snowshoes distribute your weight to stop you from sinking into the snow. An engineering fundamental.
We DO NOT install DIY store floor plastic loft leg support stilt kits.
Plastic leg support stilts ONLY support what is above them, whilst invalidating the structural integrity of the carefully engineered ceiling joist co-operative below them. Plastic leg support stilts often suffer lateral instability 'wobble' when walking on the raised loft board deck propped up on an inadequate subframe that crucially omits entire load bearing ceiling joists. Plastic leg support stilts isolate and point load ceiling joist fibres by creating intense downward compression crush points that stress crack & screw pop your plasterboard ceiling.
Span demands that load is deflected outwards, not vertically. An engineering fundamental.
Furthermore, anything metallic such as metal cross beams or metal shelving, becomes a cold bridge magnet for unwanted interstitial condensation. Interstitial condensation occurs when warm air vapour rising through loft insulation cools down on contact with cold collection surfaces such as metal.
We often read that plastic leg support stilt systems 'can hold 500kg per square metre for loft storage'
We'd like to point out: Your loft ceiling joists cannot hold up Half a Tonne of weight per square metre!
Love your loft... but remember, it's not a shipping container.
LoftJoist ventilated timber I-Beams Raise Loft Boarding WITHOUT VOIDING your NHBC New Build Warranty
Positive Input Ventilation PIV Removes Household Condensation & Mould AND Filters out Airborne Allergens to Relieve Hayfever, Asthma, Allergies & Skin Irritations.
Yes! There are plenty of perfectly good, family run, local, independent businesses all over the UK that provide timber Raised Loft Boarding.
100% NHBC compliant and will not void your New Build Warranty.
We are proud to be affiliated with Attic Alert as installers of LoftJoist Raised Loft Boarding System.
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